At Dyer Royce Manufacturing LLC, we are committed to upholding human rights and maintaining exemplary workplace standards across our operations and supply chain. We believe that every individual involved in our business deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and fairness. To ensure the well-being of our employees and partners.
We adhere to the following principles:
We prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law. Every individual deserves equal opportunities and fair treatment, regardless of their background.
We strictly prohibit the use of forced labor in any form, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, or human trafficking. All employment must be voluntary, and workers should have the freedom to leave their employment at any time.
We are committed to the elimination of child labor in all aspects of our operations and supply chain. We do not employ anyone under the legal working age defined by local laws and regulations.
We provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, and visitors. This includes regular risk assessments, appropriate safety training, access to necessary protective equipment, and measures to prevent accidents and injuries.
We respect the rights of workers to join or form trade unions and to engage in collective bargaining. We do not interfere with employees' rights to organize or participate in lawful activities related to collective bargaining.
We ensure that all employees receive fair wages and benefits that meet or exceed legal requirements and industry standards. This includes timely payment of wages, overtime compensation, and other benefits as mandated by law.
We comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding working hours, breaks, and rest periods. Employees are not required to work excessive hours, and overtime should be voluntary and compensated at a premium rate.
We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact and promoting sustainability throughout our operations and supply chain. This includes responsible sourcing of materials, energy efficiency measures, waste reduction, and eco-friendly production practices.
By adhering to these Human Rights and Workplace Standards, we demonstrate our commitment to ethical business practices and the well-being of our employees, partners, and communities. We continuously monitor and evaluate our performance to ensure compliance and strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of our operations.
© 2024 Dyer Royce Manufacturing
166 Castle Rd
North Yorkshire,
YO11 1HY
Phone : 865-397-7779
Whatsapp : 865-361-1764